Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday to my blog!

Well, technically, it was three days ago, but whatev. Time sure flies when you are in the blogosphere!

A year ago I had no idea where my dashboard was, or who in the Hell Mr. Linky was. I didn't know about linking to other blogs or what hosting a carnival meant (not that I ever do any of that fancy stuff). I also learned some etiquette rules and most important, that all bloggers LOVE comments! The more the better!

I have "met" some awesome people on here even though we've never actually spoke or seen each other in person. I have been moved to tears by some of your posts and have laughed until my stomach hurt at others! Such a wide variety to read out there.

I know I don't post as much as I used to but thank you all for reading and of course, for leaving your comments, they make my day, awww... Also, you may have noticed my generous use of the exclamation point. I love to use it, and feel it gives my readers a reference point to what it must be like to talk to me in person, ha ha!

So, what has been going on with me lately, you ask? Let's see....still in the throes of my midlife crisis, all I need is to have an affair with my secretary and buy a Corvette and I will be all set!

At work, there is always the drama that keeps me in business, but budget wise, things are grim.
Me to secretary: "Where is the tape? I ran out and don't see any on the supply shelf."
Secretary: "There isn't any more because we have no money to buy any and you can't borrow any of mine!"
Me: "We don't have money for tape? What am I supposed to do now???"
Secretary: "Use tacks."
Me: "Oh."
And so on, I wish John Stossell from 20/20 would show up at our school and then comment on the sad state of affairs around there. He would be mortified at our lack of tape, I'm sure.

Besides all that we are busy with basketball, gymastics, and just life in general. Thank you again to my followers, I love you guys! Oh, and especially to one of my "anonymous" followers whose only comments are things like, "Viagra viagra viagra" and such.
Peace out to all my sisters from another Mister!


forever folding laundry said...

Ugh. I have that same follower.

Happy blogiversary!


Kristina P. said...

Happy anniversary! And tape is really expensive.

Kris said...

We have tape, but we don't have any file folders or letterhead paper! Wanna trade?

Happy Berfday Blog!

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st birthday to your blog! I think it will almost be a year for me too and I haven't been posting lately either, so many things going on and so little time in the day:)BTW did Claudia stop blogging?Oh send me your address on my e-mail so that I can send you a Christmas card,my e-mail's

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Happy Birthday! Or anniversary whatever. Let's just hope you had some cake. And a banner. Tacked, not taped, on the wall.

The bipolaRNurse said...

Happy (belated) anniversary! I see I have much to learn... did you have cake?!? Anytime is a good time to celebrate with cake! :)
Hope you're having a wonderful holiday!!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

V E R Y F U N N Y........unless you are ..MOM!