Monday, May 23, 2011

Anatomy 101

Hi everyone! I'm not sure who is still reading, but I am here to randomly post! I've missed the blogworld, but have been distracted by my lack of employment, I guess...

I have been looking into doing what people do when they can't find a job, consulting! I'll let you know how that works out for me in a few months hopefully! OK, so I wanted to post about a conversation with my two sweet kids one night while I was lying in bed with them, trying to get them to fall asleep. Here it is:

Dear 5 y.o son: Mom? What is the real word for a boy's peepee again?

Me: It's called a penis.

Dear son and dear 7 y.o daughter in unison: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Dear daughter: Or 'balls', the boys at my school call it balls....

Me: Um, ok, wait...(trying to get into teacher mode) Boys are born with two balls that are under neath the penis...the penis is the part that a boy pees out of.

Dear daughter: What are the balls for? Why do boys have balls?

Me: Err, they help with reproduction...Did I mention they are under the penis?

It is now quiet for a moment, while I'm sure both kids take the time to digest this nugget of knowledge, if you will...when out of the darkness:

Dear son: "I'm touching my balls right now!!!"

Yup, a day in the life around here!


Kristina P. said...

Never a dull or ballsless moment!

Mainly a midwife said...

There are just no words. Boys are altogether different creatures.

Shahana Shafiuddin said...

ha ha ha, my son also touches and says its fun. I told him don't do this you might get hurt.