Thursday, July 2, 2009

Freak Magnet Friday! Take this job....

Hi! Ok, Thanks to Sara at Domestically Disabled, I have a story for Freak Magnet Friday! Since 1987 until present, I have had about a million jobs with about a million freakshow managers or bosses to go with each of them. They weren't all crazy/weird/pervy, but enough were! Here are a few that stand out:

"Chuckie" at one of the factory outlet stores, we sold men's clothes. Chuckie thought it was funny to put any long, tubular shaped, object in front of his pelvis and then laugh as you looked at him like you were going to throw up. He continued to do this until he got fired.

"Minerva" from another factory outlet store where we sold costume jewelry. She was an older, crotchety, lady who smoked like a chimney and would talk about EVERYBODY behind their backs. Our other bosses, customers, anyone who walked through the door was fair game. She would curse like a sailor and she had a southern accent and would use all those southern expressions to describe situations. i.e. "I was madder than a wet hen on Tuesday!"

"Kate" was my boss at a warehouse distribution place. She was in her forties and she flirted shamelessly with all the sales reps who came in. It was downright embarrasing! This is not what make her weird, though. Once I came to work, as I did everyday, and when I walked into my office I saw that my office chair was gone. Now, this was a small office space and she was the only one who stayed later than we did. I asked her what happened to my chair and this is what she told me. "Well before I left yesterday I heard some noises in the attic, so I think someone came down from there and took your chair." I kid you not, people. She said it with a straight face, too.

"Kevin" at same warehouse. This man was working on obtaining his third retirement but should have stayed home with the second. He NEVER got my name right and I got to the point where I would ignore him when he called me, he did not get this hint. He would leave to go golfing in the middle of the day and then had the audacity to tell us all about how his game went, about his golf clubs, etc. We were beyond resentful at his audacity! The best part about him was walking into his office to ask him something and he would be sound asleep, mouth agape, sitting straight up and facing his computer. This happened so often that he also got fired. I should've done mean things to him while he slept. Throw popcorn in his open mouth, draw something on his face, paint his nails....

"Bessy" was the office manager at a mental health agency where I worked, but she really should have been a client. She would start a dialogue with me like this:
Her: Good morning, Yvonne. (smiling) Me: Good morning. (smiling back) Her: Are you ok? Me: Yeah, why? Her: Well, I don't know, I'm sensing something from you. Me: Like what? No, I am fine really. Her: Are you sure? (giving me that sideways look) Me: (ugh) Yes! I am fine.
Her: I don't know, I am feeling like maybe you are mad at me or something. Are you sure nothing is bothering you?
Me: (thinking, well I am mad now for you annoying me with these weird questions!)
This happened every day! It was insanity! This dialogue would actually go on longer, but I think you get the point. It got to the point where I would want to slug her as soon as she said, "Good morning."
Happy Friday! Thanks for reading!


Kristina P. said...

Those sound like delightful coworkers!

We have a therapist who will start crying in sessions for no reason. Awesome.

sAm said...

Oh thank the heavens...Freak Magnet Friday!!
I think I've met quite a few of those same freaks - actually, my mom quite often resembles "Bessy". Yep.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Oh, we should get together sometime and have wine and share stories!! WE are truly freak magnets.
When I worked at the grocery store? I had a guy from HS who actually brought his grandma in to meet me. At my register. Despite the fact I had told him the moon would be proven made of cheese before I dated him. Then, there was his grandma, smiling at her grandsons "little lady."
Is there a freak magnet club?

Tulip Row said...

I seriously wonder what happened with that chair..... I have a few theories.

Mainly a midwife said...

I once had a boss (nurse manager of the floor) who once felt compelled to show us (all the nurses) her scars from her boob job. I'm still in shock from that one.

Anonymous said...

sooo funny! Just back from work from a long weekend and I'm glad you posted your freak magnet post! I know!What is up with all those paranoid people, there's a couple at my work, including one therapist!I wonder sometimes if they even do interviews anymore, or are we that desperate to just hire anyone!:)

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I couldn't stop laughing after I read that you gave one co-worker the name "Minerva."

That was hilarious. I think I am going to give my neighbor the same name.


Kristina P. said...

I have missed you and your posts! Come back!

peewee said...

There is NOTHING more maddening than when someone say "are you SURE you're not mad at me??" because A/I would SO tell you! and B/how ego centric! I mean, of course you are SO important that I could ONLY be mad at YOU. No one else, nothing else. My mood and life are all about YOU!" UGH!

Also, Minerva!! HAHHAHA! Love it.

seriously? said...

I am realizing you worked a lot in the "retail" industry and the bottom of the barrel type retail at that. I think this has prepared you for your current work as you are not shocked nor afraid of anyone or anything. LOVE IT!!!