Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A post of my day, not pretty

So, I went to bed at 1:OO am this morning, woke up at 6:30am because I knew my dear 3yo son would be starting preschool for the first time..
He was not happy about getting up, but I managed to get him to school and distracted enough to stay there...
I then got ready to go to work for the first time in two months, ugh! How did this sneak up on me so quickly?
I prepared a training for the staff with a colleague who felt the same...
I picked up dear 5 year old daughter from a friends house..
Ran countless errands..
I am back on the ride again!!!
I think I need to go work out and then a millionth trip to Target tomorrow, good times! Maybe I will try to fit in swim time at Parks and Rec?
It is not even September! I remember being lazy and doing whatever I wanted until THE DAY AFTER LABOR DAY! Does anyone else remember that? This is life in the new millenium I guess!


Mainly a midwife said...

I remember starting school the day after Labor Day..but that was on the East Coast. This summer definitely went by too fast. I was at Target yesterday, along with everyone else in our county.
But you can't beat a 24-pack of Crayola crayons for .27 cents!

Kristina P. said...

We used to start after Labor Day when I was in school in California. And we got out before Memorial Day. But we had long days!

forever folding laundry said...

Back to the grind...ugh!

The summer is definitely shorter now. I liked AJ's pics, BTW. He looked so sad!


Tulip Row said...

I think in NY they still apply to that rule of summer till labor day, because perhaps it is more precious of time for them. Anyway, I've got another week at least before the school thing for Fiona!

Anonymous said...

that's funny, I was thinking of the same thing yesterday, it's only the beginning of August, it feels more like September! So is AJ more excited about school now? It will get better when he starts making friends:)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I am so glad you are back!! we start back after labor day in MN. we wanted to go earlier, but the state senate said no. makes sense, huh?

peewee said...

I LIVE for back to school stuff at target! And I don't even have kids! So I did in fact buy myself a zac efron folder for 50 cents. Almost got the crayons for 27 cents too! And the $1 crayola markers...and and and.

So instead I buy it all for my niece and nephew. But I did keep that zac efron folder.

peewee said...

AHHHH...I'm back to my normal pace of life, waking up on a friday, and checking FIRST THING for a freak magnet post. :)

Debbie said...

My kids started school on Monday so our first week back is behind us! I hate it.

seriously? said...

I hate starting school but, I secretly love it. I know you understand.

Where have you been lately? We need more posts!!!