Thursday, June 17, 2010

My review of two short plays, category: tragedy!

Summer is here which means lots of free time for the kidlets! Today I had my five year old niece and my six year old daughter at my house all day. This of course, inevitably, leads to my watching at least a million different plays, shows, dances, etc. I am used to this but felt I must describe two of the plays I (was forced to) watch. They were tales of tragedy which reached a dark and disturbing level that left me shocked and also with a mental note to monitor more closely what they watch on TV. Here is a synopsis of the first play:

Young girl crying in a chair (very young, like five years old). Slightly older girl comes in and asks younger girl: "What's wrong?" Younger girl, sobbing, replies: "My boyfriend just broke up with me!" Older girl: "Why?" Younger girl: "Well, I had a cat and my boyfriend did this to it! (Stabbing motion) and now it's gone!" Me (from the audience): "Oh my gosh! Your boyfriend sounds like a mean boy!" This is followed by two glares for interrupting said play...anyways, it ended shortly after this, like right after, actually.

Next play: Older girl (like six years old) sitting in a chair, sobbing, with a blanket pulled over her. Younger girl comes in and asks older girl: "What's wrong?" Older girl: "My boyfriend just broke up with me!" Younger girl: "Well why?" Older girl: "Well, I had a baby and he took it!" Younger girl: "Where did he take it???" Older girl: " I don't know, but he took it away!!!" Me (from audience): "What is with these girls and their mean boyfriends? I mean you see how much trouble boys can be? etc etc." This interruption is again followed by two "looks that could kill" glares proceeded by an attempt to silence me by putting hands over my mouth, shees! The play also, coincidently, ended shortly after my outburst.

Yup, this is what's happening around here so far. Next play will hopefully not include the beginnings of Lifetime movie channel material!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm still here!

Hi everybody! I am here I have just been dealing with the tail end of the school year. This means for myself, my daughter, and my son. I am also taking an online class on "Psychopharmacology" in an attempt to get licensed. I am planning a surprise party for my dad, working a 50 year celebration carnival for my daughter's school, and even though I have been laid off, I still have to go to a bunch of meetings, how did that happen???
I am busier than I have been since Graduate school! Btw, being out of school for more than ten years, it was very difficult to put my "student" hat on again! That part of my brain has been de-activated for quite some time. It reminds me of that time last year that I attempted a cartwheel after at least 15 years since doing the last one. Oy!
Summer is coming, so I will have more time to post about my adventures, thanks for sticking around I miss my blog sisters on here but just need to get through this. Stay classy, blogosphere!