Monday, August 9, 2010

What a week so far, and it's only Monday!

Hi everyone! Or maybe, hi you!
This week has been like an emotional roller coaster and as my title states, it's only Monday.

Wow, ok, so we finally, finally found a house that we love and are moving. Everything about it is perfect! I'm sure our realtor agent popped a bottle of Champagne, he is probably so tired of us, ha ha.

Then went to my job today to find out why they were asking me to come get my stuff, I thought we were going to wait and see? Ahhh, not likely. Later it hit me that this is the first time I will not be around on the first day of school and I was so sad :(. I almost didn't cry about it.

Then I went to the doctor and guess what? (No, I am not preggo) My blood pressure is back to normal, woo hoo!

Then I talked with my dear friend's hubby about how her cancer treatment is going ( going well so far, btw) since she was not in a position to talk. I missed her and worried about her and then tried unsuccessfully not to cry, again...

Then I found out one of my cousins is pregnant! They have been through a lot when it comes to this so it is like a little miracle! Nothing like new life to make me feel happy and hopeful again!

Thanks for following this rollercoaster! I feel better just blogging about it all!


Counselormama said...

Ok, wth is that annoying msg thing on my blog for? ugh, will try to figure out how to remove.

Kristina P. said...

It sounds like overall, things are going well! Congrats on the house.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad everything went well with finding the right house I hope you post pictures soon, and best of all congrats on your BP being stabalized that's the best news of all!:)

Debbie said...

Now that is a lot going on! I'm so happy for you about the house. And your blood pressure.