Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'm back from Sea-Tac! At the corner of Starbucks & Starbucks...

That's local speak for the Seattle and Tacoma area of Washington. It's also the call letters for the airport when you make reservations, FYI. So, I don't know if you guys remember that my Principal asked me about going to Seattle for a conference a few months ago and I nearly peed my pants with excitement! Ok, that is not the real reason I almost peed my pants, but I digress...
Here are some notes and observations about my trip:

The conference was made up of about twenty-seven women, and exactly three men. Dang it! That really put a damper on the chance of hooking up with a hottie while I was out of town. I jest!

The training I went to was long, and really, the material could have been covered in about four hours, but why do that when you can drag it out over two WHOLE days???? Plus, everyone in there was a weirdo or annoying, except for my colleague and I, of course!

Seattle was cloudy and a little cold but it is a cool city that reminded me of San Francisco, only a lot cleaner. Also, on every lamp post there are two baskets of beautiful, blooming flowers, yes! That is why Seattle has a sales tax of only 9.5%! I only smelled old pee about two times while walking around downtown, and only three people asked me for spare change.

Oh, and how do you know you are in Seattle? There is a Starbucks every three feet, literally!
No matter where you are downtown, and I really mean it could be any look around and I guarantee you will see at least two Starbucks! Or Seattle's Best, which, I heard, is owned by Starbucks. I thought there was an economic crisis in the nation? If I get laid off next year, I think "Barista" is going to be my next career of choice.

Everyone there seemed super friendly and kind of mellow, that made my visit nice, especially since I was the ONLY person to go up the Space Needle who: a) Spoke English and
b). Did not have three out of control kids with me.
Any feelings I had about missing my own kids dissipated as I watched frustrated parents trying to control their cranky kids in languages I could only guess.

My last observation... during happy hour all over downtown, a bottle of wine is HALF PRICE! That pretty much makes it the same price as the grocery store, or BevMo! My colleague and I could not believe this great fortune that had been bestowed upon us. Thank goodness said colleague/ travel/conference partner is also a fan of the fermented grape!

If you are there, you must visit the restaurant called, "Purple". Great wine, there are tastings of any wine you want to try, and the food was sooooo good. Ok, that's all for now! Back to normal life. Happy Friday! Thanks for reading!


Kristina P. said...

We went to Seattle for our honeymoon. Beautiful city! Wish we had spent more time there.

peewee said...

Jealous! I always wanted to live there. Still do. I love rain, so I think I'm there rare person who wouldn't get all depressy. You make me wanna go now. hmmmm...maybe I will!

forever folding laundry said...

How nice to have a couple of nights away. I've always wanted to go to Seattle. (OK, I'll admit - at least after watching "Sleepless in Seattle".) Glad you had fun!

Anonymous said...

What a nice getaway! I would love to go there sometime, did it rain while you were there? Nice cool weather sounds very inviting right now:)

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Ah, traveling without children. It must have been so, so nice. I bet you even got to eat at tables that you could not draw on.

What fun! :)


Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I need to go there. STAT. 1/2 price wine? Nice! My sister went there and loved it. I want to go when it is not raining though.

seriously? said...

I am still insanely jealous at the fact that you took this trip without your kids AND you got paid for it through a legitimate job? I think I need to not talk to you until my anger subsides...I will not be responsible for what I may say.