Sunday, September 13, 2009

How this year is going so far...

First, again, I am sorry I haven't posted more! It's not like I don't have anything to say that's for sure. Here is an update about how things are going with the kids, me, the hubs, etc.

Dear 3 yo son: He has stopped crying when I drop him him off at preschool! He says he likes it, at one point he was getting rewarded to stop crying, shees. He is currently obsessed with finding (and collecting) rolly-pollies ( I think their real name is sow bug). He still loves to be totally naked and uses any excuse to strip off his clothes. ie. "I am really mad at you so I take off my clothes!" etc. He is still my little mama's boy, though.

Dear 6 yo daughter: She loves her first grade teacher! Everyday I hear something that he did that she just thought was the neatest thing. I am still getting used to what I consider an INSANE amount of homework for a six year old, it takes her well over an hour everyday. We have also hit a record in our house for how many birthday parties we can attend in one month! It is just crazy and hard to keep up with. What's with all these people being born?? :) She currently loves to pretend to be pregnant while carrying a bunch of baby dolls with her. She will go to the "hospital" and have a baby like every ten minutes. If only it was that quick and easy! She is also in gymnastics once a week and I am pretty impressed with what she has learned to far. The gym is owned by some Russians and they don't mess around, which is good for her.

I am back at work and busy as ever! I got a new intern, so hopefully he turns out to be helpful, unlike a few others I have had in the past. Including one who called in sick once "in case" she was going to get sick later, as a flu had been going around. WTF? The student population is the same, lots of trauma and drama. Some of the kids tell me things that still leave me speechless as to what they have been exposed to, it can be so sad. The good news here is that my Principal told my new intern that I was the best school counselor he has ever worked with!!! I was so happy to hear him say that since I really put my heart and soul into the job! I have a crazy drop off and pick up schedule with all the kids, but it somehow manages to work out, thank God. I still try to have GNO's (Girl's Night Out) as much as possible, but sometimes I am just too tired!

The hubs: After working the swing shift and me not seeing him all week for twelve years, he will be going to the day shift in October! I hope this doesn't end our marriage!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, was that too many ha's? I do worry about how we will adjust but hopefully we will be able to accomplish more during the week now. I am also hoping it cuts down on the amount of naps he takes, he is like Rip Van Winkle with all the sleeping! Most important, he is not able to help me do anything if he is asleep! I of course, and just worried about how I will be impacted by all this, after all, it's my world and he just lives in it! :) I'm kidding, kind of...anyways! That is us in a nutshell and I am really going to make an effort to post more so thanks for continuing to read my blog!


Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I feel your pain~ so much to blog about, so little time. I am glad your intern is working out, and what a nice compliment! Yay for you!!

Kristina P. said...

I totally get being Rip Van Winkle! When I was working swing for the summer, I took a nap everyday, and I had to schedule meeting people around my nap. It was ridiculous. Hope it's a nice adjustment!

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

My hubby was the same way when he was working those crazy hours. Now he's gone for 24hrs at a time. Even crazier. :)

Mainly a midwife said...

My son went through that roly poly phase! I'm glad you and your hubby will be on the same'll get to have some togetherness!!

Anonymous said...

wow!!!So many changes, that's awesome that your principal describes you as the best counselor he's ever worked with it makes all the insanity, craziness and chaos well worth it doesn't it?I worked night shift for a total of 3 yrs and I hated being tired all the time, I bet your hubs is so excited!

peewee said...

yay! Glad you're back and I can't WAIT for freak magnet to come back! And I'm sure it'll be back with a vengeance!

forever folding laundry said...

It's nice to read an update of what you guys are up to -- feel like we haven't seen you in ages!! Say hi to everyone....


jungle-gym mom said...

It has been a long time coming for Andy to come to days. Hope all works out! We need to have a girls night out with the cuz's!...someday!