Thursday, September 3, 2009

Strange things that happen to people, a dialogue

So in my job I work with all walks of life. I have come to realize that some people seem to have chronic bad luck, chronic crisis, and a host of other situations. There are many times at work where I just think, "Oh, the humanity!" I had such a strange conversation with someone on the phone while at work, it was so random, that I thought I would try to recreate the phone call for you. By they way, I have no idea why this info was shared with me. Here goes:

Me: Hello?
Her: Hi, Mrs. Counselor, it's *Yolanda.
Me: Hi Yolanda, what's going on?
Her: Oh nothing, just calling to check in.
Me: Oh, anything on your mind?
Her: Did you know that I fell off the city bus three times?
Me: You did?
Her: Yeah, the first time, I was getting off the bus and I tripped and fell and the bus almost ran over my foot.
Me: Oh no!
Her: The second time, I was getting off the bus and the driver closed the door on my foot and started to drive away, everyone on the bus was yelling at the driver to stop.
Me: Wow, that is unbelievable.
Her: Yeah, and the third time I fell off the bus I was pregnant and had the infant carrier with me because I had my baby with me. I tripped, fell into a tree and my groceries went flying everywhere, but we were all ok.
Me: I am so glad you were all ok and no one got hurt! What is going on? Why do you think you keep falling off the bus?
Her: I don't know, it's just me I guess....

She really did not give me any reason for telling me about this, I just think some people have this kind of energy where things like this happen!
So the next time you are having a bad day, remember that someone, somewhere, is probably having a worse day, so count your blessings when you can! Happy Friday!
Thanks for reading!


Kristina P. said...

Somebody is always having a worse day than I am. Except that time in 'Nam.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Wow. Yep, she has some luck. Time to maybe walk everywhere, you'd say?
Happy Friday!!

Anonymous said...

wow if I were her I would be very paranoid to get out of any kind of bus, maybe alert the bus driver"listen when I get off this bus you wait for me patiently until I'm completely out and safe YOU MAY NOT TAKE OFF until I give you the ok, OK?" There that's what I would do.

peewee said...

she must do yoga!