Thursday, August 27, 2009

Freak Magnet Friday!

Hi, just a notice that I posted this as one of my notes a while back on Facebook, so if we are friends on there, sorry, but you may have heard this before...the rest of you, enjoy!

So today I go into Walgreen's to pick up an Rx and I have to wait in line, sigh...this Walgreen's is in a sketchy part of town so there is always an interesting mix of people in there. There is this man in line who is probably in his '50's, he has on spandex shorts and a bike shirt. He has a road bike with him and he keeps fiddling with the pedals, the tires, etc. Then he looks up and starts STARING at me, of course! "Oh no, here we go..." I thought to myself. He looks at me and says, "Are you Portuguese?"
Me: "No."
Him: "Are you Mexican?"
Me: "Uh, yeah."
Him: "Yes! I knew it! I knew it when I saw you!"
Me: (awkward, polite smile)
Him: "Do you have a bike?"
Me: "No." (I really do have one, but didn't want to divulge)
Him: (Asking me something in Portuguese)
Me: "I don't understand."
Pharmacy tech: "Next!"
Saved by the Tech!
I get my stuff and leave and he shouts to me: "You should get a bike!"
These are the things that happen to me on an all too regular basis! It's fun to be me!


Mainly a midwife said...

OK..that's too weird. I wonder what he said to you.

Kris said...

Was he wearing bike shorts? Rawr!

peewee said...

EEEEEEEEK! I hate those awkward moments! And it's ALWAYS when you're trapped in line or an elevator, where you can't just LEAVE!

Kristina P. said...

Well, that's awkward.

Anonymous said...

did you get one?:) yeah I remember from FB it's funny how you know once they stare at you!You know the look!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Wow. you are the best freak magnet ever. Now, go get a bike.

seriously? said...

Love it the second time around even more. You really are a freak magnet. :)