Monday, August 24, 2009

"I'm not getting on Facebook, or Bluebook, or whatever you call it!"

Yes, this is a direct quote... from my mom, or grandmother, you might ask? No, it is from one of my dearest friends! She refuses to get on Facebook because she "doesn't have time". Yeah, I used to say that too! I have been begging her and a few other of my close friends to join this social phenomena but some just flat out refuse, waaahh. You know who you are :)
What is so interesting to me about Facebook is the fact that my cousins, my neighbors, my old teammates, old co-workers, ex-boyfriends, and new friends are like all in one location. This is very surreal to me and I still have moments where my brain just can't wrap itself around the FB world. I can see a message from both my cousin in Texas and a guy I used to date in the same inbox. It's like everyone I know from years past until today, all in one big room together!
I also noticed that the majority of my Friends on there are the people I grew up with. Apparently, even though we all go our separate ways, we have all (well, not all) come full circle and reconnected. I love, love, love that! I love that I know what people I care about are up to and what is new with them.
What I don't like, is the repetitive status updates, or now called, "What's on your mind?" Such as:
"Billy Joe is dragging on Monday..."
"Sally Sue is wondering why is it only Wednesday??? Two more days!!!"

"Jed Smith is going to the gym."
"Nancy Jones has a headache."

"John John just ate an apple."

And the most over posted status? "TGIF!" I know you like Fridays, most people do.

So, other than that, and irrelevant quiz results or bizarre analogies (I.e. "Which antibiotic are you?" Your result: Penicillin!!!"

So this is a plea to my friends who refuse the book, to please join so that we can complain and laugh together!


Kristina P. said...

I actually much prefer blogging. I like hearing what people have to say. :)

forever folding laundry said...

I hate it when people say, "Good night!" on FB. What's the point?!?

Anonymous said...

"I love Fridays" or "I cant wait for friday" would have to be my most repetitive status in my room too!LOL!It took a long time to convince my sister in law but finally she's on it and she loves it!She even says how addicting it is! My other friend since grade school won't go on it she always says really? I'll check it out.

Mami said...

I am in facebook, but at times I find it so ridiculous specially the update status.

jungle-gym mom said...

Love the bluebook comment and I too get tired of knowing who needs a shower cause they are sweaty from working out! hehehe

Kris said...

What did I do with my time before Facebook?

seriously? said...

Why must people not realize the awesomeness of the "Good Book"? I cannot explain this enough to people. If they don't get it, then I can't help them!!!

peewee said...

The only thing I like about FB are the quizzes! I have found out that I am a christian louboutin shoe, and if I were a muppet I'd be Fozzy Bear, I most resemble Charlotte on Sex & the city, and my Old lady name is ethel and The city I belong in is new York City, and as far as "crazy bitches" go, I most resemble Sylvia Plath.

FB is a WAY personal journey to knowing yourself better!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Sara just read this post!

Angela Saunders said...

one day yvonne, one day : - )