Tuesday, August 11, 2009

And we're baaack!

Dear readers,

When I first started this blog, I thought I would have endless material to post about! After all, my life is a plethora of entertainment! While technically anything could be material, I like to wait until I have something cool to post about, or something annoying to complain about.

Since yesterday was our first day of school and we are starting to get back into our routines, I think I should have time to post more....plus being at work gives me lots of material, too!

Next week my dear daughter will begin first grade! How did this happen? Who took my baby and replaced her with a first grader? My dear son, who is three, began preschool for the first time, with mostly good results. He still cries each time, but it seems to be short lived. Here is an excerpt from a conversation yesterday in the car:

Me: Dear son, what is your favorite thing to do at Pre-school?

Dear daughter: (interrupting) I know! Cry???? (sarcastic tone)

Me: (Glaring at dear daughter, but secretly impressed by her well placed use of sarcasm) Don't say that to your brother, let him tell me.

Dear son: Crying is NOT my favorite thing!! I like the Legos....

So you see, everything is going to be fine! I promise to post more regularly! Don't stop reading, and most importantly, don't stop commenting!


Kristina P. said...

Haha. This made me laugh. I'm a big sister too.

Anonymous said...

yeah I knew you were busy! Are you going to continue to post the Freak MagnetFridays?I hope so! Well I know it's hard to believe it!They grow so fast right before your eyes and all of a sudden they have common sense, I'm like how did you know that? Anyways glad you're back, and yes Andre did come back with an accent and sometimes he still leaves out the R's. I still talk with my usual Tex-Mex accent except when people explain a story I nod saying yeah,yeah,yeah, they do that a lot and I started doing that. I think it looked odd when I would do it and I tried to back off from that even though it would just come to me without realizing it,and Shae's his normal self! LOL!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Glad to have you back! I love your knack for storytelling and such and missed you this summer!

seriously? said...

Yea!!! You are back!!!! Missed your posts lately but, totally understand the summer schedule. It seems like I am more busy during the summer....how is that possible?

peewee said...

I missed u too!! Esp. Freak magnet friday. I almost did one myself. But then I like reading them more than writing them!!