Friday, May 7, 2010

T minus 31 days to 40!

Sooooo, it has hit me like ton of bricks that I am going to turn 40 in one month! How did this happen?? This has caused a new flare up of my ongoing mid-life crisis, sigh....To put things into perspective and to hopefully help me get a grip, I have come up with a top five list for both the positive and negative aspects of turning forty from my POV. Here goes:

Things I do not like about turning 40:
1. I remember my mom being 40 and thinking she was old.
2. The "young half" of my life is behind me (sorry, but you know it's true)
3. wrinkles around my eyes that stay even when I am not smiling or squinting.
4. Men do not seem to flirt with me as much as they used to, although I am sure I am mistaken about this one....right???
5. I don't recognize the person I see in the mirror when I first wake up in the morning, I mean, who is this chick?

Things I like about turning 40:
1. I have a beautiful family, totally worth ruining my body for, btw!
2. I consider myself successful and love what I do for a living.
3. I don't care nearly as much as I used to about other people's opinions, thank God...
4. Inside, I feel like I'm 20, but then that could be because I am incredibly immature, ha!
5. I am in good shape, mostly healthy, and I try to accept all social invitations while I am still young enough to enjoy going out!

In summary, yay me!!! Oh yeah, I need ideas for how to celebrate :)


Kristina P. said...

I think you need to live your lifelong dream of being a stripper!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I love it! Way to look at this business, that we cannot escape, as a wonderful thing!!

jungle-gym mom said...

There is nothing about you that seems even close to 40!!!!!!!!!! What wrinkles???? You are going to be fabulous at 40!

forever folding laundry said...

I remember when you were excited that Jeanna had turned 21. So you were, like, 23? Crazy!!

I don't know how you should celebrate, but count us in!


Anonymous said...

well since I hang out with many many 90 yr olds when I tell them my age they say "oh my you're just a baby"! That always makes me happy. Remember that the young half of your life is still happening!! Have you seen The Real Housewives lately? Just saying, I mean we don't have to dress like some of them but you know what I mean!

Canadian Blend said...

It seems like just yesterday that I turned 40... so how is it I turn 50 in 3.5 months? Nothing makes the years pass so quickly as having children.

The bipolaRNurse said...

40! Congratulations! BTW I heard 40 is now the new 30! I for one plan on never being a day over 35... I hit the (botox)bottle :)

peewee said...

I turn 40 in NOV! WOOT WOOT! thing that I HATE is how I will see someone on a reality show or something and it will show their age is 40 and I'm all "DO I LOOK THAT OLD?!?!??!" and I freak out.


I wouldn't want my 20's back. I was too dumb them...but OH! To be 33 again!