Tuesday, February 3, 2009

An impromptu post

Every year for the past three years we have hosted a Superbowl party at our house. This is kind of funny because I don't really watch football and I don't like to host parties! Hosting usually fills me with anxiety about my guests, but anyways...we do a whole nacho bar with every ingredient that you could possible make nachos with! It is a lot of work but our guests seem to have a good time. We also make fresh-squeezed mandarin juice that we make screwdrivers with, and they are delish! We had an unusual mix of people consisting of neighbors and family.
It was a typical party complete with some arguments, people storming off, strange requests, anti-social guests, conflict mediation, and lots of laughing on my part! I also talked yet another person into getting on Facebook! I actually had a really good time, it was a nice day with good food and good conversations, I think the game was on somewhere but not sure if anyone was watching.

P.S. Even though I don't like hosting, I make a great guest! Feel free to invite me to any party you have, unless it is for cookware, as I hate cooking.


Tulip Row said...

Kudos on slipping those weird behaviors in on your blog! I was laughing about each one, even though I wasn't there!

Anonymous said...

Ahh I wish I would have been there! I like party's with dramas and then gossip about it later,,oops did i just write that:)

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Your recap of a "typical party" made me laugh. I have never realized it, but you are right. It is quite the rollercoaster ride, packed into a few hours, isn't it?

Oh, and I'll be sure to invite you to our next bash!
