Thursday, April 30, 2009

Freak Magnet Friday! Yet another weirdo I dated!

This story takes place in early 1990. I was still reeling from the "first love" break-up and was just trying to get through school and life. I was nineteen, close to twenty years old. Remember, this was "peak freak" time for me!
So I am hanging out with some friends when one of our friends brings over a guy he met while working in Utah for the summer. This guy had black hair and eyes the color of Windex! He was super cute in my opinion and said he came out to California to get a "fresh start" (Later I realized that fresh start=running from the Law). He was really charming and was a "life of the party" type of person. So, we start dating! It seemed normal enough at first. But then strange things started to happen. For one, he kept having to move out of wherever he was staying for various reasons. He never lasted for more than a couple of weeks at any place. Hmmm...then people we were hanging out with all seemed to have things stolen. All kinds of things, too. It seemed weird that all my friends were getting things stolen all the time.
More stuff...then he loses the job he got for reasons unknown to me. He gets desperate, but says he can't go back to Utah because it is just too conservative for him. He came from a Mormon family (remember the guy who stole drugs from those kids? If not read back through my Freak Magnet stories!) and said his parents wanted him more involved than he wanted to be. That was his reason. In a matter of three weeks he gains about fifty pounds, which was weird, since he was broke all the time. So now this guy is not looking as good as he used to both physically and as a person in general. I start to try to distance myself. Sound familiar?
He then gets beaten up by one of his roommates at his latest place of residence and says he has to move again! I just couldn't believe his "bad luck." So naive! A lot more drama happens and I see a pattern of him pissing people off and it never seemed to be his fault, again, hmmmm...
The last straw was when he begged to borrow my car to go to the bay area to visit his aunt to get money from her. I was hesitant, but thought, if he gets money, then he can get on his feet (I know! I am so dumb sometimes!). So he borrows my car and is gone for over TEN HOURS!
This was before cell phones so I was really mad and also freaking out. He finally calls me from a pay phone and gives me the stupidest, most unbelievable story about why he was gone so long! I mean it was so unreal and made-up that I told myself, "That's it! We're done!"
Divine intervention happens and he says he is going back to Utah! Woo hoo! I don't even need to give him a reason not to see him anymore! BUT he needs a ride to someone's house and then he will be gone. Well, at this point I am all about getting him the Hell out of town as quickly as possible! I told him I would give him a ride and then I helped him pack EXACTLY the way Elaine did on that one Seinfeld episode where she was trying to get rid of that guy and didn't want him to miss his flight! It was hilarious!
So he was gone, and I never heard from him again. I am pretty sure he is serving time for something somewhere, maybe he reads blogs while he is in there...
Happy Friday! Thanks for reading!


Kristina P. said...

I think my sister recently dated this guy. Loser.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were gonna say that he stole your car! Imagine? you're right he's probably in prison somewhere, clearly he had no intentions in changing his lifestyle!

Mainly a midwife said...

Wow..what a loser. Something similar happened to me once (regarding the car).. A guy I had started dating needed to borrow my car to go to an interview...he was gone ALL day (interview was 20 mins away). That was my wake up call.

forever folding laundry said...

Oh my gosh - I'm starting to wonder if you ever met any NORMAL people!!! Crazy!!

Tulip Row said...

Wow, kooky, you really are a magnet! I wonder what he is doing these days! At least you don't have to have that awful feeling like "the one who got away...". More like Thank Heavens that one is gone!

peewee said...

HAHA! That's a good one. I dated a guy once who stole cheese! He was really into wine and great cheeses, which totally impressed me until one day I see him slip a brie wheel in his pocket. It was so weird. and that's all he ever stole...cheeses. I actually kept hangin' around him for a while. Then one day he unloaded both pockets and he has cheese AND salami. And then I knew it was just too much.

rychelle said...

at least this story didn't end "and then i married him"....

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Wow. You are a freak magnet! So am (was) I though, so you are in great company.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I am still laughing at the phrase, "peak freak." Can't believe that you have had so many freaks in your life that you actually gave a name to this period of time.

