Monday, April 6, 2009

Excuses, excuses...

Ok, so we are now on Spring break at my school, but before I left we were talking about all the crazy excuses we have for students being absent or late to school. I went through some of the late slips and here is what I found:

The slip has printed on it: Reason late:

"We were partying this morning." (Nice!)

"Stuck in traffic." (yeah, you live around the corner!)

"Forgot there was school today." (That's just dumb)

"Alarm didn't go off."

"She was blessed with her monthly visitor." (We are a staff of 90% women, could you imagine?)

"My cell phone died." (and?)

"His dad doesn't know what time school starts." (Father Of The Year!)

"Thought it was minimum day." ( ok...)

"Just late." ( oh, elusive!)

"She didn't go to bed until 2 am." (WHY??)

It goes on and on! To my teacher readers, I know you feel me on this! What kind of message do these excuses send? These students will hopefully have jobs some day, and these just won't fly with most bosses, last I checked. I fear for the next generation, Ok, I know people say that for every generation but still.


Kristina P. said...

Some of the kids I just work with are dumb. If you're going to make up an excuse, make it legit.

The anger management class I teach is 8 classes, and you are allowed to miss one. I had a kid that missed two, and his excuse for the second one was that he was getting his haircut! At least say you're mom was in the hospital or something!

Anonymous said...

does getting a flat tire count??No I'm joking, Shae tells me that some kids say "Mr. it's cuz I live in Mexico and the lines were long"or "my mom dropped me off late so why show up late?" These excuses are from teenagers.

peewee said...

Wait. So you're saying those DON'T work for bosses?? Well, um, could you tell us the ones that DO work? you know, just IN CASE.

sAm said...

The ones I love are those that come in and when I ask for their tardy slip look at me like I'm crazy and tell me "no...I don't have one." Well then go get one for crying out loud - it's not like the rules changed halfway through! btw - I use my cell as my alarm, so if the phone's alarm. You can be damn sure my cell phone never dies!!

Lynnette Labelle said...

I was a teacher before I became a stay-at-home mom. Yeah, I remember a lot of those excuses. LOL

Lynnette Labelle

Tulip Row said...

Those are pretty hilarious! I was very judgmental about students coming late when I was a teacher, but now that I have kids, I seriously have a hard time being on time for things! Lord help me next year!

Mami said...

They all funny and stupid!

Peaches said...

I have a hard time believing the parents aren't CRACKING UP laughing when they're actually penning the excuses.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Save those. we will get together one day and write a book. Except we won't sell it to the dumb parents, because it would just give them ideas.
I have one student who's mom works late, and doesn't feel like getting up in the morning to drive him to school (he is open enrolled.) Finally, she got smart (?) and has him say he was sick, but we all know. Nice lesson to teach your child, isn't it?

Stesha said...

Bowing my head in shame. One of those excuses belong to me.

Hugs and Mocha,

Debbie said...

I am only a sub, but I feel for that generation. I am scared every day.

Vodka Mom said...

" my daughter had the shits."


seriously? said...

"Missed the bus." Ummm, ya, I can see your freakin house from don't even ride the bus now, GET TO CLASS!!!! People are ridiculous but, I love the job security.

Sam_I_am said...

I'd be devastated if my parent wrote about my "monthly visitor" on a late slip.

Jan Holt said...

My favorite excuse that we just used was:
"We just got back from Australia and because it's tomorrow there we're actually early and not late".