Monday, June 1, 2009

Tonight's walk with the kids, CPS worthy

So, every night I promise the kids a walk with the dog after dinner, IF THEY BEHAVE. Sorry to shout, anyways...each night has been wonderful, the kids are looking at bugs, they pick dandelions, we go up to the levy. It has been so nice, until tonight! I had to do the old, "I'm turning around right now if you don't stop fighting with each other!" threat several times, but yes they were idle threats, as I was not about to just stay in the house with them in that mood.

As we are walking down one of the busier streets, dear son takes off running like there is no tomorrow and as I chase him dear daughter starts crying saying I am just leaving her behind....
I couldn't win! At one point I had to strong arm both of them back into the jog stroller and at that moment at least a million cars drove by to see me at my finest parenting moment. Sigh....

We are finally on our way back to the house when both kids have decided the push the jog stroller, one on each side. I praise them for their cooperation and problem solving skills. This is when dear son puts his arm around dear daughter and says, "You're my best friend!" I was like, "awww, that is so precious!" Record scratch sound! Dear daughter pulls away from him, causing him to fall, and says, "We are not friends, you are my brother, and that is family not friends!" (Blahhhh!) I actually said to myself, "I hate being a parent sometimes!"
Sorry, just needed to vent, unlike my last post! ha ha. Thanks for listening.


Kristina P. said...

That's right! Family is NOT friends.

rychelle said...

don't worry, they'll grow out of like 15 years, or so.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Kids will literally drive you to the brink of insanity. I swear that is why I blog. It is my method for coping.

Like Rychelle said, your kids will get along someday. It just might not be while they are living with you. :)


Tulip Row said...

Hilarious, but yes so frustrating, I seriously do not think you can make them get along! Sometimes it just happens!

peewee said...

HAHAHAH! I love girls. They say it like it is. If only I could STILL do that to my brother!

Debbie said...

Well, I guess it is important to know where you stand!

peewee said...

for dog hair...TONS of those pet hair rollers. CHeapest at costco, but BOUNCE makes one that smells SO good too!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

3baybchicks said it best..this is why we blog, right? In fact, I may have to go break apart a fight now! Fun times!

Mami said...

I know what you mean about screaming, I had never being a screamer but after the children is like an involuntary action.
I hate the running into the street, my Samia the calm one loves to do that, I think she gets a kick out of me screaming and going crazy!

Dawn said...

I think that is the definition of siblings . . . that is a great story which we probably be retold for years.