Thursday, February 5, 2009

Freak Magnet Friday! Story #7

Today's story takes place in 1990. I was twenty years old (a big year for me freakwise) and had just come out of a two year relationship with my first love. I was very vulnerable at this stage in my life. I was working retail and going to college at the same time. I met a new co-worker who I thought was a real cutie! He dressed nice and had a pretty decent physique. He was sweet, too, I thought. Here is my story, and be glad it wasn't you!
Here is a very key point in this story: We only dated for six weeks. I repeat, six weeks.
It started it out OK, he was very nice and very complimentary. He was always telling me I was beautiful or gorgeous, who doesn't like to hear that? So we start dating. My first clue about his freakness was when we went out for a piece of pie at Baker's Square. I ordered the banana creme pie and it was delicious, but I couldn't finish it because it was a huge piece of pie.

Him: You're not going to finish that?
Me: No way, I'm stuffed!
Him: I can't believe you are not going to finish that.
Me: Yeah, anyways, so what are we going to do after this? Should we go hang out at someone's house or go to a movie?....
Him: If my dad was here he would make you eat the whole thing. You are wasting food.
Me: Well, if you feel that strongly you eat it! (shees!)
Him: I just can't believe you are not finishing your plate.

That was weird! But I thought maybe he has some food issues or something, so I let it go. Then some days later we are on our way to a party at one of my friends apartments when he has some kind of anxiety attack in the car, while we are driving into the apartment complex.

Him: I don't want to go to this party! I hate things like this! I can't believe you are making me go! I told you I didn't want to go! (He's really escalating at this point)
Me: WTH is your problem? You never said that!
Him: Well you should know that I don't like going to parties!

So I guess I'm supposed to be some kind of mind reader with him. We ended up leaving without ever getting out of the car and I am livid! Esta loco acting like that!
We go out a few more times but he never takes me on a real date. I am just thinking this is obviously not going to work out so I start distancing myself, but he senses my retreat! So he buys me an expensive leather jacket! Oh no...this is going to make breaking it off with him all the more difficult. But, it must be done!
I decide one day shortly after to have the, "I don't think this is working" talk. I go to his house, where his dad, teenage sister, and little brother are all home. I tell him we need to talk outside. Keep in mind that this is his neighborhood, in front of his house, in the middle of the afternoon. We are standing in front of my car and I am using the old "ripping off a band-aid" technique to end things with him. Why prolong the awkwardness? He does not take this well AT ALL!

He starts sobbing hysterically, begging me not to do this to him! He is grabbing onto me and making a real scene with the crying and the snot and the whole nine. I couldn't believe the intensity of his reaction, I mean, he probably didn't even know my middle name for gosh sakes!
He is really waling and I am convinced all the neighbors are staring out their windows thinking I just told him his childhood dog died or something! The more he kept begging and pleading with me not to leave, the more disgusted I felt. I needed to go now! So I peel him off of me and got in my car and got the hell out of there!

Epilogue: He called me a few times but I didn't hear from him after that. I then ran into him while I was at a girlfriend's house. Her sister came home and wanted to introduce her new boyfriend to us, guess who? It was an extremely tense moment, but he acted like he didn't even know who I was! Fah-reek!


Anonymous said...

I hate needy guys! Good for you, Luv your freak stories you freaky magnet, keep 'em coming!!!LOL

Kristina P. said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

You should actually stop by my other one. The book club one isn't really run by me.

And this is a funny story!

Mainly a midwife said...

Yea that was a band-Aid that needing ripping off....absolutely.

Tulip Row said...

This is hilarious! It sounds like an episode of Friends or something! I wonder what he is doing these days....

Debbie said...

The crying and the snot are not as attractive as one would think.

seriously? said...

For Gods sake...What it is with men??? awww, another broken heart. I am not clear if he was thinking that the sobbing and neediness would help you see the error of your ways and want to stay with him??? That isn't attractive on ANYONE!!!

Jesenia said...

you haven't searched for him on FB...aww come on, you know you want to!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Another great post. It clearly demonstrates what a super hot girl you are...leaving a trail of broke-hearted men in your wake. :)

I also love that you are unwilling to put up with the crazies. Too bad more women aren't able to just say no like you!


forever folding laundry said...

Wow...sounds like he was a real catch!!! Can't believe you let that one get away! ;)