Monday, October 19, 2009

The birds and the bees

Ok, so as you may or may not have noticed, my daughter has been asking me lot's of questions about body parts, where babies come from, etc. I wanted to give you an example of how this dialogue goes.
Dear 6 y.o. Daughter is laying in bed and I am laying next to her, we are talking about random things. Then:

Dear Daughter: Mom, what is a boy's peepee called again?
Me: It's called a penis.
Daughter: A peanut?
Me: No, not -nut, -nis!
Daughter: What? A nutnis?
Me: No, not a nutnis! Then I just started laughing.

I wonder what word she will come up with next? Maybe I will use that to talk in code...i.e. Yeah, my boss is being a real nutnis today!


Kristina P. said...

Maybe Oprah will start using Nutnis as her euphemism.

Mami said...


that is so funny!!!

seriously? said...

Gotta love kids!!! How do you not smile when saying nutnis? It is a must!!!

Mayhem and Moxie said...

I am petrified of the day my kids want to start talking about sex/body parts/whatever. I will definitely be employing your method of talking in code.

Great idea!


Mainly a midwife said...

Nutnis..that's hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

that's funny! my boys haven't asked those questions yet, I think since they are all boys they see the same thing so it doesn't cross their minds...

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Yes! I love when kids name body parts! I won't let Asher call his a weiner, I make him say penis. I admit, each time he does, I do laugh.

peewee said...

a nutnis!!! I am SO using that. she's too funny.