Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blame the parents!

Ok, so I have posted some comments that the students make around my school, but after today's events I have to post some things the parents have said, and all I can say is that I fear for our future! Not really, but kind of, anyways!

Today we had a student who has not turned in any homework, she is in first grade. All the kids in her class who turned in their homework could then color as a reward. When said student was told she could not color until she did her work, she had a major meltdown and then ran out of her class. Her mom's reaction? It wasn't fair that her daughter couldn't color when the rest of the class could! She could not see our rationale. Ugh!

Another first grade student stole a dollar from a classmate. He was sent to the office for a referral. This boy's mom said we were picking on him, threw a dollar at our secretary and said she was taking him out of school...to spite us I guess? Sigh...

We had a couple of students get into a fight. The one who started it got suspended and sent home. The one who fought back got an in-school suspension. The parent of the fight starter was adamant about about finding out how we disciplined the other student and wanted to make sure we did not just suspend her son. How about just focusing on your own child?

This is the last one because I am getting annoyed just remembering this stuff!
We have a student who is seven years old, the poor thing does not recognize any letters, or numbers, colors or basically anything else. Retaining her was brought up so that she could catch up with another year in second grade, which is still way beyond the level she is at now. The parents reaction? We are racist! Oh dear...

So when we get blamed as a school for "failing" to help a student, nobody seems to point the finger at the ones who influence the child the most! Oh wait, I have to mention this last one!

A parent called and asked us to please stop sending ANY thing home in her son's backpack, as it is just too much for her to keep up with it all! I am totally serious! This is also a student whose dad comes to pick him up smelling like Marijuana more times than not. Yeah. This is what we are up against in my neck of the woods!


forever folding laundry said...

Oh my gosh, I am so thankful for Riley's school!!

Anonymous said...

ugh! I totally get you! This weekend a parent wanted to take out a kid AMA and she's suicidal. The dr said no and put an emergency court order making the facility retain her for at least 5 more days. The father was furious, oh and they don't want to give consent for her to take pills for depression so they called child protective services on him! He came for a visit and tried to intimidate everyone, he's a correctional officer!:) Parents don't want to take responsibility for their kids actions! He said she was just overreacting. I can go on and on too, it's insane in the membrane(remember that song?)

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Honestly, I don't know how you do it. The work that you are doing here on Earth must surely earn you a spot in Heaven! :)


Kristina P. said...

Parents are CRAZY!!

Tulip Row said...

And to think that surely other areas have it worse! What could possibly be going on in say, East Palo Alto?

seriously? said...

Thanks so much for enlightening others about what we do at work...If one more person says to me, "Why does an elementary school need a counselor anyway?" I will not be responsible for my behavior!!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I hate reading these. It makes me remember how lucky we are... parents.
One called me at home last night- 3 times. Nice.

rychelle said...

some of these parents are scary crazy!
you deserve a medal.

peewee said...

yah. Parents ARE crazy! But it's funny crazy. To me. Hey...your stories make ME laugh and that's all that counts!

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Yep, I know that my career would be a record setting 1 minute! I just have no patience with idiots! I guess the ACLU would think it would be wrong to require us to each get a permit before allowing us to hatch children!

I hope you are writing down all these tidbits. These really horrible ones teamed up with all your really great kids quotes will be a best seller. Once it's printed, just put an ad on your blog and we'll ALL buy a copy!


Mainly a midwife said...

I can't believe your school has to put up with that crap.
Parents are definitely the MAIN part of the problem in CA schools.
When I went to elementary school..if I got in trouble at school I could be guaranteed to be in trouble at home. Now the parents argue with the school. They don't realize that they are not doing their kids any favors.

Blogging about the 80's and 90's said...

In one of the coaching books I read there is a great quote. "Kids have not changed in 50 years, but parenting sure has."

Debbie said...

I have a similar "what is the world coming to" post set for tomorrow. It is lunacy out there!