Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Short and sweet! The randomness of kids

Ok, so I go to do a presentation about a free gift giveaway to all the classrooms, k-5. I stand up in front of the classes, slowly and clearly tell them where it is, and what time to be there and that they just need their parents to be present with them. Then I ask if they have any questions. Here is a sample of what I got, from all levels:

Me to each class: "Any questions?"


"Do you know that my dad takes care of me?" (That's so nice)

"I like to go dancing!" (Ok, me too, but how is this related?)

"I have this cat and my grandma, my grandma, my grandma, she, she one time, she, my cat..." (uh huh, get back to me, sweetie)

"I get to go to the zoo on Saturday and then we're going to Chuck E. Cheese, cuz that's my favorite place! "(mmmhmmm, me? Not so much a fan).

"My brother lives with us." (Is that right?)

"I'm going to play PS3 when I get home!" (a good use of time!)

"I ride bikes with my dad and he, and he, and uh, uh, Oh! I forgot!" (Yeah, I hate that!)

"Where do we go? What time does it start? What day is it?" (I just told you, apparently you were busy doing something else, even though you were looking right at me!)

"I have a pet hamster, and his name is Fluffy, and he goes on his wheel, like this (gestures) and then he runs and runs and it's really funny (laughing)!" (I'm not really a fan of rodentia, but that's cool.)

"Are you married to Mr. G?" (uh, no but interesting that you would ask, hmmm)

You get the picture! They are too funny and cute, which is a good thing for their sake. My own kids do the same thing!


Kristina P. said...

Elementary kids are so fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh normal kids! I always wish for that at my job! No chance though..

forever folding laundry said...

Ha! Don't you love those 'questions'. I remember I was constantly telling my students, "That's nice, but it's not a QUESTION."

sAm said...

For one of my students (8th grade), it got so bad I had to put a card on his desk for "self-checking" - 1. Is it relavant? 2. Does it have anything to do with what I'm talking about?
While it kinda worked with this student, it would be kinda hard to do with all the grades! My hat's off to you! (I especiall y liked the cat/grandma story)

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Um, so - er, eh, where did you say it is? And um, what time? And, like, um, do I HAFTA bring a kid?

Grannie in Florida

peewee said...

Elementary kids? whatever. Those sound like my daily conversations.

Did I tell you about my dogs? They bark, and um like treats. chicken treats best. and um tennis balls. They fetch a lot.

Do you have candy?

Can I have some?

Tulip Row said...

Yes, sounds vaguely familiar. I think Fiona will be Queen of "Once time..." stories, at random & inappropriate times in class!

Debbie said...

I love that when I sub. You try so hard to explain something to them and you might as well be talking to yourself!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I love kids like this. When we have a presentation (even in 4th grade) we have to go over ~
what is a story, and what is a question! And still... always get a story!

Mami said...

I love to hear little kids talk, I am starting to see those dialogs in my Samia!