So we are again at the time of year where my kids seem to be chronically ill with something or the other. My 3yo son is battling yet another cold on the tail end of dealing with a cold that left him with some sort of rash. My daughter finally got over her cold but still has a lingering cough just like me!
I have gone in late or called in sick to work so many times since April that I can't believe they haven't fired me, yet. I am wondering when this will end? Or at least, slow down? It seems to happen every year around this time.
I grew up out in the country before antibacterial and before any swine flu scares. I don't remember being sick this much. I mean, I had a father who smoked all the time, indoors!
I can only hope this is building immune systems in this house. Is any one else feeling like this, or dealing with this? I am starting to wonder what I am doing wrong/ I wash their hands all the time and the kids get enough sleep, eat right, etc.
Just feeling kind of exhausted...maybe because last night I only slept four hours because dear son had a croup attack at 11:30pm that didn't subside until 1:40a? I can't wait for health to reappear around here! Anyways, this is what has been happening around here. Oh yeah, we got a new dog! He is a calm, yellow Lab around one year old. His name is Bodie, but we call him Bo, for short. So far, so good! I gotta go, I hear someone coughing!
Ugh, I hear you on the sick thing. The boys both have a cough (which the doctor keeps telling me is asthma). Colin had croup once - that is NOT fun! I hope they feel better soon!
Post pics of your dog! We'll have to introduce him to Lucy!
I'm sorry to hear that, I was wondering where you were, hadn;t seen you on bloggy world in a while. Have you used the humidifier for the croup that always helps out, or if you take him in a steamed bathroom like the way it looks after someone has showered, that helps too! I got a cold too and barely getting over it, and now Nicky's nose is runny. Rest to me is the #1 cure, I sleep it off, try to go to to bed early(If you can, I know it's hard with the kids), get your proper hrs of sleep. I also have been taking Airborne and that has helped my immune system! Hope you feel better!
Don't have kids, but we're fortunate in that we don't really get sick a lot. Unless you count that whole syphilis scare getting sick.
Uh hello? I was sick all the time! But it does seem like most peeps kids get sick a lot, so I would not worry, I think it is just immune building stuff~C.
i feel like i'm constantly at the clinic for one thing or another and i don't even have kids yet. :(
hope everyone is feeling better soon!
Sick kids at home and working with sick kids makes for a dastardly combo!!!!
I'm so glad you got a dog!!!! Now, as you know, I am somewhat of a dog expert, which you can clearly see from my perfectly trained and well behaved canines of perfection! So if you have any questions, just ask the expert!
The kids know that summer vacation is coming soon. They want to get all their 'sick' days in before vacation!
Hope things improve for you all very soon!
oh, i hope you are feeling better when I read this~ all of you. It is sometimes as hard on mom as child, isn't it?
Where is the health hiding at your house? I hope that it reappears very quickly.
You should think about taking a sick day for yourself from work for a full recovery!
I am so sorry to hear you have had the crud. My kids have had it forever too. It can wear the whole family down.
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