Monday, December 8, 2008

Egg nog or hot chocolate?
Does Santa wrap presents or set them under the tree?
He wraps them in secret wrapping paper that you hide from your kids.

Colored lights on tree or white?

When do you put your decorations up?
The day after Thanksgiving. I like to get the most out of it as possible.

What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Sweet potato dish that my Aunt Ankie makes, it is truly devine!

Favorite holiday memory as a child:
Going to my aunt & uncle's house every Christmas Eve and playing with my cousins. We got to open one present and it was a secret exchange thing among the cousins, I loved it!! I ditto this, Yvonne

When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I was six and I found the secret wrapping paper in the hall closet, but really I thought, "I knew it!" all along.

Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?

How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
Simple, with a hodge podge of ornaments of all kinds, and then my hubs insists on putting up that cheap tinsel.

Snow! Love it or dread it?
I love to visit, but thankful that I live in the Valley. Yay, Cali!

Can you ice skate?
I have done, yes.

Do you remember your favorite gift?
Probably any doll, Oh yeah and my Big Wheel.

What's the most important thing about the holidays for you?

Being thankful for all that I have.

What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Not sure, I do love pumpkin pie.

What is your favorite tradition?
I love checking your stocking over the fire place in the morning! That never gets old...ditto that, too!

Which do you prefer, giving or receiving?
Both! I love to receive gifts year round!

What is your favorite Christmas Song?
Oh holy night, and drummer boy, Rudolph is fun.

Candy canes! Yuck or yum?
Their alright, I am not big on minty stuff.

Ever recycled a Christmas present?
What? Me? NEVER ;)

Don't Be A Scrooge! Tag your friends to Deck the Halls...

Okay, so if you already got this, don't worry about, otherwise, it's your turn:

foreverfoldinglaundry, counselormommy, bernhartkids, babydreams


1 comment:

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Seriously, I must be the slowest person on earth. It wasn't until I read this post that I realized that I am commenting on another Bruins' site. What fun! Hello and welcome to the world of blogging. I see you have two followers. Let's make it three. :)

Now if only we could get your cousins to start blogging, we could have an entire network of people on the internet.
