Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Years Resolutions, naah...

This year I plan to maybe add some themes to my blog. Like, maybe have Freak Friday where every Fri. I share a random, bizarre story that happened to me in the past. Did I mention that I am a freak magnet? I am. This means that any weirdo within a 2 mile radius will find me, talk to me, or try to engage me in some form of communication. I seem to also have a knack for bringing this side out of total strangers or people I have just met. It's weird, but true. I stopped having New Years Resolutions when I realized that they all become New Years Resignations, so I have let go of that. Yay me! I did want to reflect on all that I can be thankful for, as it often gets lost in my haze of complaints. I am so happy to be healthy and that my whole family is healthy and happy as well. I know these things can be fleeting, so I am appreciative!
On different notes...did you know that the Polly Pocket boat set comes with cocktails for the girls? Even with little umbrellas in the drinks, seems a little weird for a toy meant for little kids.
I have to stop writing because my son just came up to me and said, "Mommy, I pee in your shoe."
Happy New Years! I will continue with my tales next time!


forever folding laundry said...

Nice!! I like the new background.

For your sake I'm hoping it was just a flip flop??

Jesenia said...

Oh, aren't kids cute....just like puppies! Although it would be wrong to want to crate train your child for pissin' in your shoe. Oh well.

Jesenia said...

now I will stop leaving posts on your site and update mine =)

seriously? said...

I am a little concerned about the "freak magnet" comment...does this mean that I am a freak? Wait, don't answer that!!! Polly Pockets with drinks? Go POLLY!!! Try getting on of those things dressed after a few drinks. Fine motor skills just don't work well.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

You are hilarious! I LOVE the idea for your Friday blogroll. I think you should make it official and invite people to participate too, via Mr. Linky. (Super lame name, I know, but it is fun way to share great stories.)

You can even jumpstart your roll with the story re pee in your shoe. A guaranteed crowd pleaser, for sure.
