Thursday, December 25, 2008

randoms tidbits from this Christmas morning

First, I thought I was going to take a break from blogging as it is Christmas, but...the kids are happy playing with their gifts, we already had lunch, and dear hubby is watching basketball, sooo...
Let's see, yesterday before we went out for a sushi lunch my dear hubby asked me if we had a sitter for the kids while we went out. Here is how it went:

Dear Hubby: "So, are the kids coming with us to sushi?" (Mind you it was Dec. 24th)
Me: "Umm, yeah, why would you think they wouldn't come with us?"
Him: "It's just easier when they are not there."
Me: "Yeah! My whole life is easier when they not there, so what it your point?"

He is so funny! Like I have a magic sitter fairy in my pocket just waiting to be called on anytime we want to do something without the kids! He is just so silly sometimes...on a different note, my two year old son has mastered chop sticks! I'm such a proud mama!

Later, this morning, I was making my Dear Daughter (5 yrs) hot chocolate, Christmas music was on, and she said, "Mom, today really is a glorious day, isn't it?" Yes it is!

So things have gone relatively smoothly except for a small Polly Pocket incident that involved an abduction, a physical altercation, followed by a rescue (all took place within a 20 sec time frame, but seemed way longer). Merry Christmas everyone who might read this today!


seriously? said...

Yes, I think we need a support group for bloggers who can't get off their computers. You are blogging and reading the same reason I am blogging and reading...aren't you? We have issues...

Jesenia said...

Ok, your blog had me LOL! I love it....only b/c I can SOOOOOO relate to it all. I miss you. When are we going to ditch the kids (aka leave them with the hubbys) and go dancing?!?!?

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Husbands are funny. They have the craziest ideas re how the daily lives of their kids actually occur. Case in point, my husband couldn't figure out why our daughter wouldn't stop crying a few days ago around 5:00. When I came home, my first question was, why didn't you feed her dinner?

Love, love, love the new blog background. Well done!
