Friday, January 16, 2009

Freak Magnet Friday story #2

Ok, so I have not linked this to officially invite people to participate, but I am planning on working with Mr. Linky this weekend. I think part of why I have not got around to this is because I am currently dealing with an addiction problem to something called Facebook, but that's another story. As I was researching these stories a few recurring themes appeared. First, all of my good stories take place before I was married. Second, most involve a man in some way, I'm sure this is just a coincidence, as I know freakiness transcends gender! Enjoy, and be glad it wasn't you:

This story takes place in 1989, I was nineteen and attending college full-time. One day I was sitting in a criminal justice class minding my own business. The class ended, I was getting my stuff together, when out of the blue the guy who was sitting behind me asked me in a loud voice:
Can I have your phone number?
Me: What?
him: I was wondering if you would give me your phone number.

It seemed like the whole class was watching me, waiting for my answer. Frozen, until I said something. Ugh!
First of all, I have no idea who this guy is, we have never exchanged words or even a glance as far as I remembered. He seemed harmless and in my embarrassment I gave him my number. Why did I do this? Why didn't I say no, or make up ANY other excuse that I could have come up with?? To this day I don't get this, but anyways! So I give him my number and hope nothing comes of it. Wrong! He starts calling me and says he really wants to get to know me, etc. He seemed nice enough, so I met him for coffee a couple of times, no big deal, right?
He kicks it up a notch.
He now wants me to be his official girlfriend! Oh no....Here we go....
I tell him that I am kinda seeing someone else, not ready to be in a relationship, it's not you it's me, blah, blah. But this does not sway him! A few days later at school:

Weird dude: I have something that will convince you to be my girlfriend!

Me: (Heavily sighing, but amused) what is it?

He hands me what looks to be someone's diary! It is. It apparently belonged to a girl he used to date. He tells me if I read it, I will see that she spoke glowingly of him, how nice he was, how generous, loving, and all around perfect boyfriend! I hand the book back to him and I am laughing, because this seems silly to me, right? He will not be deterred by my laughter! He starts to read quotes from the book in an effort to convince me that we should be together! Oh jeez...I had this thought in that moment where I wished like crazy that ANYBODY else could be there to witness this, because this is weird, and kinda funny! Poor schlep...So then my freak radar is starting to kick in and I realize I have to cut off all contact with this guy, which is a bit difficult because we had a class together. Still, it must be done.
I tell him that this just isn't going to work out and we need to go our separate ways, yadda yadda...He kick it up another notch.
He starts giving me expensive gifts, not new gifts mind you, but someone paid a lot for these things. I'm talking a mini, hand held TV, Vaurnet sunglasses, a boom box, a HUGE teddy bear, There was more but I don't remember anymore....I tell him I cannot accept these gifts (I did manage to hang on to the mini TV, it was awesome at the time and I thought I deserved if for tolerating him as long as I did) and that is when he FINALLY realized it wasn't going to happen between us. So he stopped talking to me.
This basically ends here with one final funny moment. He started dating someone else. How do I know this? One day he was talking to her in the hallway before class started, when he saw me coming toward the class, he grabbed her and started kissing her like they were in a romance novel, I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth but managed to get past them and into my seat.


forever folding laundry said...

Oh that's pretty hilarious. Maybe you'll always be the 'one that got away' for him! =)

seriously? said...

Could it possibly be that you are setting your standards a little too high? I mean, the man on the beach only wanted a sip of your refreshing drink after a long swim in the ocean (albeit in his undies but, hey, whatever) and now this young man had a glimpse of your sparkling personality and could not get enough. Poor guy!!! :)

Jesenia said...

poor shmuck!

Tulip Row said...

Oh, I do wish I could have witnessed any of that! Wow... was all I could think!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Really? Did you seriously pass on the Vaurnet sunglasses? Wow. You are a much stronger soul than I. Back in the day, if some guy had offered those to me, I would have seriously thought, "well maybe I could date you for a little while."

I guess that is just the shallow, er I mean, nice, kind of girl that I am.


3 Bay B Chicks said...

I kid! I kid!

Mainly a midwife said...

OK..that's bizarre. I wonder how he ended up with the ex's diary...he probably stalked her and ransacked her room. (Can you tell that I have an active imagination?)