Sunday, January 18, 2009

Random quotes and observations, riveting!

Here are some random things that I found interesting the last few days:

Friday, at work I asked a 2nd grade student what he did over the holiday break. With a completely serious face he said:

I went Jellyfishing with my family. (See SpongeBob Squarepants cartoon for reference).

In addition what actually was funnier, was my trying to explain this to my mom, who has no idea what Spongebob is about and why I thought this was funny!

Example: Jellyfishing? What is that? Where do people do that? etc.

Yesterday, dear son came up to me wearing some butterfly wings from an old costume:

Mommy, can I fly for real with these wings???

Same day, dear daughter was eating some soup and said to herself:

Eww, this soup doesn't taste good.

Then pours some of her lemonade from her juicebox into the soup and tastes it:

Oh, that's better!

A question I asked myself:

OMG! Why are both kids stark naked in the back yard???

At a restaurant, where both my kids and both my nephews are trying to eat lunch with my dad, I hear him saying:

Ok, let's not talk about 'Butts' anymore while we are eating, ok?

They completely blew him off, btw.

Dear son wanted to sing Karaoke with grandma, grabs the microphone and starts singing:

Pee pee in the booty! Pee pee in the booty!

A musical genius he is!

Dear son says to me when he got put into a time-out:

Mommy! You are bad! Really, really, really, bad you!

Saturday morning, as I am desperately trying to sleep in, I wake up to find a hideous ghoul figurine from Halloween on my chest when I open my eyes, 'WTH'? I thought to myself. Dear daughter asks, laughing excitedly:

Did that scare you mommy? Did it scare you?

And so this has been scenes from my life this weekend. Not like it used to be!


Tulip Row said...

I could just picture mom asking where people go jellyfishing!! Hilarious!!

forever folding laundry said...

Those are so funny! Although I'm having a hard time believing the kids were talking about butts. You made that one up, right??

seriously? said...

Kids are so entertaining. What is about kids and butts? I am serious...many hours of conversations about this part of the anatomy.

Jesenia said...

hey at least you know the kid is using his "imaginaaation" as Spongebob and Patrick would say it. hahaha

3 Bay B Chicks said...

All of these scenes combined would make the best YouTube flick EVER. I suggest that you start carrying a video camera around with you wherever you go. At some points, you could even turn the camera on yourself, Blair Witch style, and narrate.

I'll be awaiting the streaming live feed the next time I log onto your site. :)
