Thursday, January 29, 2009

Freak Magnet Friday! Story #5

Ok, I was starting to get concerned that posting these stories every Friday might just make it look like I am the freak here! Maybe I am? Oh well. This story involves a woman this time, as I don't want it to look like just men are freaky.
Here is my story, and be glad it wasn't you!

It was 1998, I was twenty-eight years old, and I wanted to sell our embarrassingly out of date dining room table. I put an ad in the Penny Saver and the next day I got a call from a girl who wanted to come and look at the table. I told her where I lived and we realized we lived on the same street, what a coincidence! She said she would just walk over to look at it. She rang the doorbell and the first thing I notice is that she has put some kind of blemish concealer on her face, but forgot to blend it in. So I am looking at her wondering how someone could forget that they put little globs on their face before they left the house? I was so distracted by them because they were dotted all over her face. I wanted to grab her and say, "Here, let me blend that in for you!" But that would be weird, so I didn't. She comes in and I go to show her the table, but she doesn't seem interested in seeing it. She just looks at me and starts asking me questions:

Her: How long have you lived here? Are you married? What do you like to do for fun?

Me: Uh, the table is over here...

Her: (seeming disappointed?) Oh, yeah.

I take her to the dining room and I point to the table, she doesn't even look at it! She asks me how much I wanted for it, I told her the price or best offer, as I just wanted it out of the house. She quickly writes me a check, still hasn't looked at the table, btw, and keeps asking me questions that continue to catch me off guard! Here is more that I remember:

Her: So, maybe we could get together sometime...

Me: I, uh, I don't really, uh...

Her: I know! My husband could meet your boyfriend and maybe we could have a barbecue or go out!

At this point I don't remember what I said, but I somehow managed to get her out of the house. I asked her when she is going to pick up the table because she didn't bring a truck or anyone else with her. She didn't have an answer and I was just thinking, "Great, I am going to have to deal with her again!" So, eventually she gets her hubs to pick up the table and take it to their house. But of course, it doesn't end there.

For the next few weeks she continues to come over and ask me to do things with her, but not in a normal way! She asks me to come over and meet her parents with whom she and her husband still lived with! She also asked me to go to this "meeting" that she said I would like (never explained it either!). In all these drop-in visits, she shares with me that her parents hate her husband, because he is from a different race, and maybe they could move in with us, since we have an extra room and all! OMG!!!! What??? I remember starting to feel panicked, the way people do right before a vampire bites their neck... I know this is a weird analogy, but it fit for me at the time!
Ok, now maybe she was reaching out, lonely, selling Amway, or whatever, but her approach really creeped me out! And did she really play out that whole scenario in her head? Did she really picture me, saying, "Yes! That sounds like a grand idea! Please move in right away?"
Finally she went on her way, never to be seen again. You might wonder what my dear hubs reaction to all this was? Did he say to me, "Wow! That is weird!" Or, "Holy Cow! What was that all about??" Nope. He said, "Well, you shouldn't be surprised, you know you are a freak magnet, after all." He is sooo good at making me feel validated!


seriously? said... I am really getting a little freaked out by your freaks. What is it with you and freaks? Not only men but, women now? I think you should have let her move in. Talk about a blog story!!! :)

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I think it is time to step up the Freak Friday a bit and start posting a photo of said freaks to accompany your stories. Let your fans stand in as judge and jury of these people. For example, what if this girl was really hot? Maybe you should have let her move in...


forever folding laundry said...

Where do you find these people? Do you think somewhere, maybe, she's blogging about you too? ("The one that got away...") Hee hee.

Mainly a midwife said...

That is weird. Especially the moving in part. Who does that?

Anonymous said...

I read your freaky friday blogs! In this one maybe she was lonely and needed a friend and never knew how to make one!!!?? or maybe she wanted to be you, like in Single White Female!Remember that movie? Yeah you memmmber!!LOL