Thursday, January 22, 2009

Freak Magnet Friday! Story #4

Ok, I am still not plugged in to invite all, but I am working on it!
This is a two part story, one involving my freak magnetism followed by something that happened later that same day, which was described by a doctor as a "freak thing."
It was 1993, and I was twenty-two years old, here is my story, and be glad it wasn't you...

One afternoon I was in the middle of trying to cut off all ties to an ex-boyfriend by having the "Dear John" talk with him. He wasn't taking it so well. We are in his car driving as I am explaining that I have found someone else and we need to go our separate ways. He is not receptive to my conversation and just starts shaking his head like, no, no , no. I am then done with said conversation and notice that he has got on the freeway going the opposite direction of where we need to go.
Me: Where are you going???
Him: I am kidnapping you.
Me: Turn around and go back, someone is waiting for me!
Him: Nope, call the cops if you want, I don't care what happens now.
Me: @#$%^&*!!!!

How do I get myself into these things? Ah yes, poor judgement. Moving on...
I really turn it up with the arguing and pleading at the same time. He finally pulls off out in the middle of no where. I get out of the car because I really don't know what else to do and I am furious! I loudly try to explain to him that this is stupid and weird and eventually he will need to go home. This is when I feel a sharp, strange pain where I thought my appendix might be (I was wrong). I bend over because it hurts to stand up. Ex-boyfriend then announces:
I am taking you to the Emergency Room.
Me: Give me a break!
Him: Let's go right now, you look funny.

I kinda felt funny, too. Light headed and dizzy. So off we go to the freakin' ER!
We get there and of course have to wait. I tried to leave but the nurse tells me I'm next. So after a bunch of tests and speculations, I faint! I have never before (or since) fainted. So I was a little freaked out. I then get an ultrasound of my belly to see what's going on. I asked the Tech. if she could see anything. She doesn't answer me and calls to someone with a call button. The next thing I know a group of nurses surround me like I am on fire and are yelling all kinds of directions to each other! They put an IV in each arm and are shouting that I need to get in for surgery and they wheel me away on a gurney! W...T...F...? No one has told me anything at this point! I am totally clueless as to what is going on. Then my mom and dad show up and ask a doctor what's happening.
Mom: What are you doing with her?
Doctor: Your daughter need surgery right away!
Mom: What for? Is that necessary???
Doctor: Your daughter is bleeding internally and if she doesn't have surgery right away, she is going to die.
Me: (again, to myself) W...T...F...?

I don't remember anything else until the surgery was over. The doctor said a cyst broke off in my body and ruptured some parts causing internal bleeding. A "freak thing." He said. So rare, that he didn't think to look into that possibility!
After that, my ex-boyfriend referred to himself as my Guardian Angel! That's nice...


seriously? said...

Sounds like he may have saved your life by kidnapping you and taking you to your almost certain death...go figure!!!

Debbie said...

Amazing story. Thank goodness you were OK.

Mainly a midwife said...

ok..that is really weird. If ex was bent on really being scarey it sounds like that burst ovary might have saved you...
At least he had a change of hard. Can I just say that I am in amazement at the number of stories that you have in your history! Kind of cool, kind of freaky.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Your Friday stories are really the best. I love them. Never fail to make me laugh out loud.

Maybe you should change your theme title to "Karma may or may not like me." Case in point, if your cyst hadn't exploded, you might have ended up in Mexico. Who knows? Maybe you just have really good karma.


3 Bay B Chicks said...

The flip side to this argument is that maybe you don't...but we won't talk about that. :)

Tulip Row said...

Maybe said "ex" was seriously going to do something so crazy! And then God did this to save your life!! Either way, totally freaky! That guy was such a nut!!! I actually mentioned him in my diary! Ha ha.. and not in a good way!