Monday, January 5, 2009

My perfect, sunshiney family!

I was noticing that when I post about my kids that it has been only to discuss how they have either enraged me or shocked me. But, of course they have good sides, too. I will share some quotes as of late, that have either made me laugh, or made me go, awww, that's so cute...

My dear son, who is two, has recently begun wearing underwear and is pretty stoked about it. When my dear 5 yr old daughter had a friend over, he ran up to her, sans pants, bent over in front of her, pointed at his little butt and said: Wook, M., I'm wearing chonies! M was not impressed, by the way.

When I went to go get my daughter from a time-out , she had surrounded herself, a la E.T. style, with every stuffed animal in her room and had such a pitiful look on her face.
I said to her: Why do you have all the animals by you?
She said: So I wouldn't be alone.

Yesterday when I was getting the kids out of the bath, dear son turned around and spontaneously hugged his sister and said: I wuv you, K.

cute! On the other hand, is it bad if every time my dear hubby does something to annoy me I say, Ohhh, I am sooo blogging about this! ?


forever folding laundry said...

No, there's nothing wrong with that! In fact, it works as a threat as well. "If you don't clean that toilet I am TOTALLY BLOGGING about you!!"

I love the 'I wuv you' - so sweet. I can just hear his little gravelly voice saying it!

seriously? said...

That is so funny...I say the same thing to my husband. He really doesn't care too much if I do blog about him though since that way I don't complain to him about it...I guess the joke is on me!!!

Kids can be so cute sometimes.

Chris said...

Yes. Yes it is bad to threaten the hubby with memorializing his marital right to annoy you.

My wife has done this on several occasions and, frankly, I find it quite offensive.

I have filed a formal complaint with...with...with whoever is in charge of stuff like that.

Just kidding, blog about it. I need to know, I'm not the only stupid husband in the world.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

You do have a super cute, sunshiney little family. Such fun to read about all aspects of your crew...the good, the bad, and the ugly. It keeps you human. :)

I left a few ideas for a tour of Sacramento ala Sex in the City on True Love is a Mama's blog. Check it out. I think we need to do something about your trips to Target alone. Time to step up your game, friend.


Tulip Row said...

They are adorable! And husbands do deserve to get blogged about, check for upcoming husband issues on mine!

Jesenia said...

Ahhh...thank you ALL for the wonderful-right-thing-to-do-blog- about-my-husband idea! I guess I can start with the "wiping the chocolate doughnut from the son's face with at Clorox wipe at 6:00 in the morning" story...where do I begin?!

PS-I wuv your DS for wuving your DD.