Thursday, January 8, 2009

Things I hear that make me go, "Oh no..."

Another list!

At home:

1. dear daughter saying: "Mom! Look what brother did!"
2. a loud noise, followed by louder crying.
3. dear son, saying: "uh oh, look what happened..."
4. Either one of them saying: "I broke this..."
5. Dear son coming up to me saying: "Come look, poo poo."

At work:

1. Call to my office: "You need to come to the office right now."
2. Secretary telling me: "We have a situation..."
3. Teacher calling me: "Can you come to my class right now?" Me: "Is something wrong?"
Teacher: "Yes."
4. Principal to me: "You got a minute?"
5. Any staff: "We have a parent here who is extremely upset with us and we need you to talk to them."

As a side note, I do enjoy the unpredictability of all this, but it's the first thing I think, nonetheless.

Stay tuned for my Freak Magnet Friday story sometime tomorrow!


forever folding laundry said...

Ooh, yay - a freak magnet story! I like those. =)

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Another great, great post, friend. I especially liked getting a sneak peek into your work life. Never a dull moment, huh?

In terms of your "at home" list, I would like to add, "MMMMOOOOOOMMMMMM!" I can literally feel every muscle in my body tigtening at the sound of that one.

Happy Friday!


Tulip Row said...

I think your work ones make me so happy to be at home currently! Although I do enjoy the replay from your point of view....

seriously? said...

Whenever my principal asks "Got a minute?" I say no and hang up. Well, I wish I did that anyway.