Thursday, January 1, 2009

Shhhh...don't wake the beast!

Ok, so, I have a beast that resides inside me. He (yes, he) has no patience, and can't stand defiance or the sound of kids screaming. He is asleep most of the time, but every once in a while he gets woken up and it is ugly. The last time he was woke up it went something like this:

Me: "Dear Daughter, it's time to get dressed because we are leaving soon."
Dear Daughter: (No response)
Me: "I am not going to tell you again, you need to by dressed by the time I come back in here, we need to go soon."
DD: (no response)

I then reenter the room after doing my own thing and see that Dear Daughter has not moved at all and is watching TV still in her jammies (insert Spanish curse words here).

"Snort! " Uh oh, the beast is awake and is not happy.

Beast (taking over, growling, eyes blazing) : "K.! I told you to get dressed, get your clothes on RIGHT NOW, YOU NEED TO START LISTENING TO ME!!" etc.

I hate when he wakes up. It's like demonic possession, once he's done I am spent. So what is my point? I think it's important to remember to take time to recharge your own batteries every once in a while. This is not new information, as we hear this all the time, but as a mom I think it is vital for both yourself and your kids. I have had the luxury of having two days sans kids and it has been wonderful for my mental well being. Whenever I would start to miss them, I just pictured them fighting and it worked like a charm! I feel refreshed and ready to handle things again. I realize not everyone can take breaks like that, but even a little here and there help! My New Years thought to all my mama friends out there is to remember to not put yourself last all the time. Now I just have to decide what time I should go get my kids...


seriously? said...

It is nice to know that most mom's have that "beast" that you talk about. Mine is awaken on a regular basis and can be put back to sleep with a deep breath and a glass of wine!!!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I think you and Seriously? must be channeling one another. Made me smile when I saw how similar your two most recent posts are.

I do my best to keep my beast at bay, but he probably wakes up at least once a week, if not once every few days. Thanks for the reminder re how to keep the beast in check!


Jesenia said... kids have seen my beast---even named it. Now I just need to work on finding someone who is willing to take the mini-zoo for more than a few hours.

Rick said...

You're in - it doesn't end until 10 PM PST. So stay tooned!!