Sunday, January 25, 2009

What Should I Blog About?

Hmmm...what shall I blog about?

I know! How about that time I really lost my temper and told (warned?) dear daughter: When I hear whining, it makes me want to hit people! No, too shameful.

Oh! How about that time I walked into the garage completely naked after getting out of the shower and realizing to my horror that two of my husband's friends had stopped by? Nah, way too embarrassing!

Ah! I got it! That time I laughed out loud and hard when my mother-in-law asked to use my cell phone and then asked me why she couldn't get a dial tone? No, that was too awkward once I figured out that she was serious. Ooops....

Ok! That time I accidently ran over and dragged an orange construction cone on my way to meet one of my bosses, who, to my chagrin, witnessed the whole thing with a "WTH?" look on his face? No, that one just makes me look like an idiot!

Gosh, running out of ideas...A work story? The time a high school student asked me to go to the Prom with him, causing his whole class to laugh while I tried to maintain my professionalism? No, not a long enough story...

What about sharing my secret plan, er, I mean, fantasy? This involves me getting ready for work as usual but once I leave the house I call in sick and drive to a hotel, check-in, put pajamas back on, read magazines and take a three hour nap? No, I shouldn't share that one, just in case I actually follow through with it!

Hopefully I will come up a topic next time....


Tulip Row said...

I love that secret plan!

Jesenia said...

that should be a national "secret plan holiday" for ALL working moms =) Except mine includes a tiny umbrella in my drink by the pool.

seriously? said...

If you ever do your secret best be calling me so that I can join you. I promise, if you do, that I will not whine, cry, ask you the same freakin question over and over again and I will not ask you to wipe any part of my body...EVER!!! Call me, k?

3 Bay B Chicks said...

This is your BEST post yet. Seriously. I loved your approach. Funny and creative. Keep them coming!


PS: When we meet again in person again someday, we had better set aside PLENTY of time because there are going to be so many follow-up questions from me on these stories.

Tulip Row said...

I tagged you on my blog, read it for details!